SNAP-ON Pliers/Cutters Sets
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Pliers and Cutters Sets
415CP 15'' Long-Neck 35° Bent Needle Nose Pliers
Pliers and Cutters Sets
415CP 15'' Long-Neck 35° Bent Needle Nose Pliers
915CP 15'' Long-Neck Needle Nose Pliers
44ACF 4'' Combination Slip Joint Pliers
95ACF 6'' Needle Nose Pliers
84CF 4'' Diagonal Cutter
85ACF 5'' Diagonal Cutter
786CF 6'' Diagonal Flush-Cut Pliers
46ACF 6'' Combination Slip Joint Pliers
96ACF 8'' Needle Nose Pliers
86ACF 6'' Diagonal Cutter
47ACF 8'' Combination Slip Joint Pliers
97ACF 9'' Needle Nose Pliers
87ACF 7'' Diagonal Cutter
49ACF 9'' Combination Slip Joint Pliers
911ACF 11'' Needle Nose Pliers
312CF 11'' Heavy-Duty Diagonal Cutter
57CF 7'' Heavy-Duty Combination Pliers
91ACP 9'' Adjustable Joint Interlocking Channel Pliers
PWCS7ACF 7'' Wire Stripper/Cutter/Crimper
29ACF 9'' Wire Terminal Crimping Tool
388ACF 8'' High-Leverage Diagonal Cutter
61CF 8'' Duck Bill Pliers
KAPL10 10'' Pliers Organizer